Monday, August 12, 2013


hi, time check 11:18pm, date 12/8/13. apparently, i've decided to create another blog yet again. i guess this is my 3rd blog. first one was created when i was in p5, second was a private one (i'd say some did actually read it) and this one's the 3rd one. i guess i'm not much of a talker to people i don't really know which is basically like everyone so wa hey there you should know some stuff about me after reading this blog, if you would actually do. i've no intention of expressing myself in such delicate manners or even decorating this blog with whatnot themes and such. i guess the content's whats really matters. that was a long intro i'm sorry, didn't mean to but let's.

nothing much really happened, i swear i'd say that like often because nothing really happens in my life (i'm not even kidding, i've nothing to look forward to). though i would say that it's kinda depressing if you have ended up in a situation like i am in right now (hopeless, bored to the upmost level and basically a fine line to describe everything that i'm feeling). although my birthday is in 10 days, i don't feel the hype or anything actually. is it because i'm growing up? because i don't want to. i guess but i don't really celebrate birthdays anyway.

maybe it's just me but i don't know. i guess i get cranky and stupid so i kinda screw everything up.

i'm tired but there are reasons for me to stay up that might benefit my emotionally but not physically... and it's not about guys. god. i'm only 14

oh god i feel awkward and weird so peace to the middle east

playlist: keane's nothing in my way


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